Tuesday 12 August 2014

Just thought I should also point out this is not a pay a musician once for a session then go project. This is a long term development project between us all involving shared song writing (and rights), and years ahead especially given I am married to a Malian and will at the latest retire in this country, if not return far earlier :) My hope is one day this will become an Non Governmental Organisation or such like. I worked in development for years and always noted the lack of support for artists/musicians and it bugged me. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/invisiblesystem/isim-invisible-system-in-mali

Just thought I should also point out this is not a pay a musician once for a session then go project. This is a long term development project between us all involving shared song writing (and rights), and years ahead especially given I am married to a Malian and will at the latest retire in this country, if not return far earlier :) My hope is one day this will become an Non Governmental Organisation or such like. I worked in development for years and always noted the lack of support for artists/musicians and it bugged me. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/invisiblesystem/isim-invisible-system-in-mali

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